fitness, boxing, woman

U.S. Visas for Female Fighters in Mixed Martial Arts

MMA is taking the U.S. by storm. In most cities and towns there are gyms offering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, karate, boxing and other mixed martial arts. The sport of MMA is growing and evolving and not just with internationally known male fighters. Female MMA fighters are also trending in MMA.
The key to a U.S. work visa for female MMA fighters is to earn enough recognition outside of the fighter’s home country so that the fighter is known internationally for her MMA achievements. Female MMA Fighters have options for a P-1 or O-1 visa with a U.S. Sponsor.

P-1 Visas are valid for up to 3 years depending on contract and the spouse of the female fighter may obtain derivative Status. Essential Support Trainers of a fighter may also obtain a P-1S visa.

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