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The Law Office of Keamy Tavares & Associates offers a range of legal expertise from Immigration and Business Law and Litigation.
Capable, intimate, and highly skilled you will see unwavering commitment and dedication. This award is another example of how their practice handles complex cases in San Diego.
Johanna M. Keamy
Ms. Keamy practices Business Immigration law with a focus on entrepreneurs and corporate matters for small and large businesses.
She is actively involved with global contacts for her business clients and establishes liaisons with International Trade Specialists from around the world. She has represented United States businesses and industries that sponsor highly skilled foreign workers seeking to enter the U.S. temporarily or having proved the unavailability of workers in a particular field, on a permanent basis.
San Diego Attorney Practice Areas
Immigration Law Services – Having assisted 100’s of individuals and companies lawfully immigrate to the U.S., Keamy and Tavares are experts at navigating the application process for visas.
Business Law Services – Offering Corporate Legal Services to entrepreneurs, corporations, non-profits, and small businesses on everyday affairs is one of our services in addition to helping foreign business immigration.